Porter's Five Forces Analysis
Porter Five Competitive Forces model identifies and classifies the five generic competitive forces which Porter put forward as affecting different industry sectors.
Porter's Five Competitive Forces tool helps you to understand the power of the different competitive forces in your market or industry.
Using it, you can access the current strength of your competitive position and where you sit in the industry competitive ecosystem.
The SPACE Matrix and Grand Strategy Matrix are other useful tools.
The SPACE Matrix, Grand Strategy Matrix and Porter's Five Competitive Forces are individually and collectively excellent tools to use when deciding on the overall macro strategy as part of the strategic planning process.
The Business Tools Store offers individual templates for each of the SPACE Matrix, Grand Strategy Matrix and Porter's Five Competitive Forces.
For those wishing to use two or all three of the templates there is a package of all three at a discount of 30%.
They allow you to quickly deploy your chosen macro strategy development methodology.
Check out the full features of each template at:
Blue Ocean Strategy MS-Word Templates Portfolio
MS-Word Templates
€12.95Blue Ocean Strategy Portfolio of Templates Blue Ocean Strategy is a marketing strategy in which a business makes a paradigm shift away from existing highly competitive saturated markets to creating and...- SKU:
- MW060
- Availability:
- Downloadable Immediately
€12.95 -
SPACE Matrix, Grand Strategy Matrix, Blue Ocean and Porter's 5-Forces Templates
Template Packages
MSRP: €51.80€25.95SPACE Matrix, Grand Strategy Matrix, Blue Ocean and Porter's 5-Forces Templates Package The SPACE Matrix, Grand Strategy Matrix and Porter's Five Competitive Forces are individually and collectively excellent tools to use when...- SKU:
- MW056
- Availability:
- Downloadable immediately
MSRP: €51.80€25.95 -
Porter's Five (5) Competitive Forces Template for Word
MS-Word Templates
€12.95Porter's Five Competitive Forces Template The Porter's Five Competitive Forces tool is a simple but powerful tool for understanding the power of the different competitive forces in the macro environment for any market or...- SKU:
- MW048
- Availability:
- Downloadable Immediately