PEST Analysis Template for MS-Word Added to the Business Tools Store

To complement our very popular SWOT Analysis template we have added a PEST Analysis template to our extensive portfolio of strategic planning templates.

The PEST Analysis template allows the results of the analysis to be presented in a standard format and incorporated into any Word compatible document, business plan or report.

The standard format used is the also universal 4-cell matrix that incorporates the Political, Economic, Social and Technological factors/outcomes of the analysis.

A PEST analysis complements, rather than replaces a SWOT analysis and recognising this factor we also offer a package of both the SWOT and PEST Word templates at a discount of 25% on the combined individual prices.

PEST analysis is used to analyze the external macro-environment.

SWOT analysis is used to analyse the external micro-environment and the internal environment.

PEST analysis is appropriate for the big picture external macro environment analysis within which SWOT analysis provides an analysis of the
external micro and internal environment and as such it is usual to complete the PEST analysis initially and to use the results as a backdrop
and framework within which the SWOT analysis is then carried out.

PEST analysis usually involves factors over which the organisation has very little influence, e.g. inflation rate, trade restrictions, population growth projections.

On the other hand, SWOT analysis deals with factors over which the organisation can have a measure of control and influence when developing and
executing the strategic plan, e.g. further developing and exploiting the organisation’s strengths and taking action to minimise the impact of external threats or take advantage of identified opportunities.

While it is not essential to use either PEST or SWOT analysis they are most effective when the PEST analysis is completed first and the
output of the PEST analysis provides an informed view of the external macro environment within which strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats are assessed.

Both templates are available at %%GLOBAL_ShopPath%%/categories/Strategic-Business-Planning/

The strategic planning portfolio now includes templates for Ansoff, Boston Consulting Group (BCG), GE-McKinsey, PEST, and SWOT analysis and most are available for both MS-Word and Excel formats.

6th Aug 2012

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