The Business Tools Store Blog
Timesheet Templates for Excel Added
Timesheet templates for Excel
Our weekly timesheet offering has been supplemented by a second timesheet template which records the standard and overtime hours worked each day for a month. Weeekly and monthly totals are calculated. Gross (before deductions) payroll is calculated for standard and overtime hours worked and total gross pay for the week and month are also calculated.
The original timesheet template allows the user to enter the start and finish work t
14th Feb 2012
Ansoff Matrix Excel Template added to The Business Tools Store
We have extended the Ansoff Matrix template portfolio to include a Anasoff Matrix template for MS-Excel.
The Ansoff Matrix is a tool that helps businesses decide their product and marketing strategy.
It allows the company to identify four different growth strategies.
The Ansoff matrix provides four different strategy options:
Market Penetration is the strategy where the company seeks to achieve growth by increasing the market share of existing products in exi
10th Nov 2011
Ansoff Product / Market Matrix Template for Word added to the Business Tools Store
We have added an Ansoff Matrix template for MS-Word to the Business Tools Store in our strategic business planning category.The Ansoff Matrix is a tool that helps businesses decide their product and marketing strategy.It allows the company to identify four different growth strategies.The Ansoff matrix provides four different strategy options:Market Penetration is the strategy where the company seeks to achieve growth by increasing the market share of existing products in existing marke
24th Oct 2011
SaaS business/revenue model Excel spreadsheet
As the software industry morphs towards an industry where a SaaS offering is the norm many have difficulty when it comes to setting subscription pricing and understanding the new revenue model on which their future may depend. Unlike the traditional licence model where one receives a large upfront licence fee and ongoing maintenance fees of the order of 20% of the licence fee each year, the SaaS model poses price/subscription setting challenges and the cashflow impact of getting
28th Sep 2011
July 4th Special
July 4th Special
The Business Tools Store has introduced a July 4th Special where all site visitors can get 40% discount on all orders until mid-night on July 4.
There is no limit to the number of items that any customer can purchase that attract the full discount.
29th Jun 2011